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E. Coli In Drinking Water: 5 Facts You Need to Know
E. coli infection causes 100,000 illnesses, 3,000 hospitalizations, and 90 deaths every year in the United States -- and it can be found in your business's drinking water.

What is E.coli?

E. coli (Escherichia coli) is a type of coliform bacteria found in the lower intestines of warm-bodied animals and humans. While some E. coli strains are harmless, others can cause severe illness. Just as E. coli can contaminate food, it can also appear in the public drinking water supply.

5 Fast Facts About E. coli in Drinking Water

1. Natural Disasters Can Cause E. coli Contamination
Natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes can cause public drinking water supplies to become contaminated. Just one water main break can cause E. coli to leach into drinking water.

2. Precipitation Can Wash E. coli into Drinking Water
Rain, snow melts, and other precipitation can wash E. coli into creeks, rivers, lakes, or groundwater and contaminate certain drinking water supplies.

3. E. coli Infection is Especially Harmful to Young Children & The Elderly
While anyone can become infected with E.coli, children under age the age of five, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems are at an increased risk of severe illness and complications.

4. E. coli Symptoms Can Appear in as Little as One Day
While symptoms typically take three to eight days to show up, a person who ingests E. coli-contaminated water may feel ill sooner than that. Symptoms of infection can show up in just one to two days. E.coli produces a powerful toxin that can cause severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues.

5. You Can Remove E. coli from Drinking Water 
A quality commercial water filtration system that uses activated carbon and UV technologies can effectively remove E.coli from the drinking water you serve customers, staff, and clients.

The Best Water Filters for E. coli Removal
If you’re worried about customers or employees getting sick from E. coli, installing a high-grade commercial water filtration system in your restaurant, hotel, or office can give you peace of mind. Water filtration machines that utilize both activated carbon and UV technologies work to eliminate E. coli and coliform bacteria that are especially harmful to pregnant women and children. It’s the best way to ensure that your business and its patrons are protected from E. coli and other waterborne infections.  

Need more information? Click here to download our case study or click here to schedule a meeting! 

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