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How To: Enhance The Dining Experience
In the hyper-competitive restaurant business, it is critical to stand out—to be known for something different while remaining on the right side of razor-thin margins that govern adoption of innovation.

Water, that only free thing you dole out to begin every guest’s dining adventure, is perhaps the last place you’d think to look for your edge, but think again. And think fast. No longer innovative, specialty water is a massive trend and restaurateurs have realized that they can make more with water while spending less to serve it.

Installing a filtered water dispenser is a simple solution to improving your patrons’ dining experience. Filtered water machines, elegant and sleek, promote seamless service while making it easier for staff to serve a variety of water types — including flavored water, chilled water, still or sparking water, room temperature water, and more.

Here’s how a filtered water dispenser works to enhance the dining experience in all types of restaurants:

Fill Pitchers and Carafes

During mealtime rush, the spike in activity makes it difficult for staff to serve drinks quickly. Equally frustrating to servers and customers, the logjam is often a matter of waiting on a bottle, pitcher, or carafe of sparkling or still water for the table. This is where filtered water dispensers can help accelerate service. First, the high-flow dispenser quickly dispenses sparkling or still water into the necessary vessel.

Natura has their own elegant bottles that accompany any machine installation. In fact, the Natura bottle tells the guest that water is something special at this establishment. The independent filtered water dispenser eliminates the need for a bartender to fill pitchers using the soda gun, freeing her to focus on drink orders.

Choosing a filtered sparkling water dispenser for your restaurant is a great way to quickly offer chilled sparkling, chilled still, and ambient water. Because these systems can dispense up to 80 liters of water per hour, they will ensure that every customer is served water quickly, efficiently, and without delay.

Keep Water Flowing

With sparkling water being such a popular beverage, restaurants might start running low in the middle of service. Because a water dispenser connects directly into existing water lines, an establishment will always have an ample supply of sparkling water at the ready — an ample supply for significantly less investment! These machines also allow staff to be more attentive to their tables because they will no longer have to take time out of lunch or dinner service to restock sparkling water.

Offer Signature Drinks

As craft cocktails evolve and patrons’ tastes turn to healthier offerings, mocktail menus seem to be popping up all over the map. Whether customers are simply trying to better their health, are designated drivers, or just want to stay hydrated while out drinking with friends, non-alcoholic bar menus with craft mocktail offerings are helping restaurants and bars stay on top of this beverage trend. A sparkling water machine provide low-cost deliciousness, high-end presentation value, and a pure main ingredient for endless beverage recipe options.

Let Customer Pour Their Own

If your restaurant doesn’t offer upscale water service, you can still make your customers feel like their dining experience is more high-end. Everybody wants to feel special and taken care of, regardless of how much money they decide to spend on a meal out. A user-friendly filtered water dispenser ensures customers have the option of filling their own glasses. With an offering of chilled sparkling, chilled still, and ambient water, there will be something to please any palate.

Installing a restaurant filtered water dispenser is a smart, effective solution for offering every customer enhanced water service—and an enhanced dining experience—that will make them want to return for more.

Need more information? Click here to download our case study or click here to schedule a meeting! 

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